Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lab 1- 8/29/11

A Cloropleth Map-provides an easy way to visualize how a measurement varies across a geographic area or it shows the level of variability within a region

Dot Density Map-shows spatial patterns with the dots.

Isarithmic Map-epict smooth continuous phenomena such as precipitation
My Happy Place- a spot along the chattahoochee river that runs along my neighborhood, (in Suwanee, GA). My neighborhood has lots of running and hiking trails and this spot in particular is a great way to get away from it all. (also a great place for teenagers to get into some trouble). The yellow shaded area is old settles bridge, a place where my friends and I would jump off the old bridge into the river (cops did not like this). The blue shaded area is the soccer field in my neighborhood, which was another place I would enjoy going to to get away from it all and just kick the ball around. 

The proportional symbol map uses symbols of different sizes to represent data associated with different areas or locations within the map

sources: google images and Types of Maps

Scanned image of my map to come (just gotta figure out how to use my scanner!).

Class Assignment #1

The animal I have chosen that really interests me is the Canary Island Goat or the "Chèvre espagnole, Güera." This past summer I lived in Spain for two months and was fortunate enough to be able to make a trip to the Canary Islands, Spain. What really interested me there were all the goats that were EVERYWHERE! The rugged terrain of the island of Tenerife of the Canaries were spotted with white brown and red goats with their twisted horns. What was really interesting were all the types of goats there were. I always just assumed (being ignorant of course) that there was just your basic goat, but man was I wrong, there are all kinds of breeds of goats.  What I liked even more was all the fresh and delicious goat cheese that you could get. I didn't realize that goat cheese wasn't only the light fluffy stuff we eat over here, you can make all kinds of cheese from goat's milk (this is a big deal because I LOVE cheese. I ate an insane amount of cheese that week). The goat is so popular in the canary islands that the image of the goat covered al kinds of touristy merchandise. I learned there that while goats are primarily used for their milk, but their meat, skin and hair can be also made of use as well. I've learned that goats are also among the earliest domesticated animals.
 I am also intrigued by goats because one of my very good friends decidedly recently, and randomly, to have a few pet goats. I think she is going to use their milk and such.

A goat I saw on the side of the road in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

More goats in Tenerife! See how differently they can be colored?

Some interesting goat informational websites:
The Goat Pages

Video of goat yelling like a man, funny.