Thursday, November 10, 2011

Darwins Decision

The film Darwin's Dilemma examines what many consider to be the most powerful refutation of Darwinian evolution, the Cambrian fossil record. Charles Darwin realized that the fossil evidence did not support his theory of gradual, step-by-step evolutionary development. He hoped that future generations of scientists would make the discoveries necessary to validate his ideas. A robust Cambrian Explosion destroys the concept of evolution by gradual natural selection. If anything, the Cambrian event seems even more abrupt than it did in Darwin's day. The movie shows how the Precambrian layer contains single-celled creatures but no obvious ancestors of the Cambrian Phyla. By looking at the Burgess Shale of BC and the Chengjiang fossils of China the film shows how soft-bodied and microscopic creatures are exquisitely well preserved in the rocks but no transitional forms connect the animal phyla. Thus, the old Darwinist excuse that the transitional really did exist but were too small and soft-bodied to be preserved is untenable.

The Walcot Query of the Burgess Shale

I found it very interesting that this film was kinda of going against Darwins Theory of evolution. It is interesting to think about the possibility of another explanation to the creation of human beings that has some scientific evidence that is not the theory of evolution.

Some Burgess Shale Fauna

Great Fossil Fauna's: The Burgess Shale
Darwin's Dilemma Trailer:

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