Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bio Ethanol Lab

In this lab we discussed how to produce bio ethanol. Bio ethanol can be used as fuel. Bio ethanol is a type of ethanol fuel that is ethanol, the same type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. Its is most often used as motor fuel, mainly as  a biofuel addictive for gasoline. Bioethanol is a form of renewable energy that can be produced from agricultural feedstocks. It can also be made from common crops such as corn, sugar cane, potato and manioc. The basic steps fro large scale production of ethanol are yeast fermentation of sugars, distillation, dehydration and denaturing. Bioethanol fuel can be used in car petrol car engines and fireplaces.

Benefits of Bio Ethanol:
-Bioethanol has a number of advantages over conventional fuels. It comes from a renewable resource i.e. crops and not from a finite resource 
-Reduce dependence on Oil
- By encouraging bioethanol’s use, the rural economy would also receive a boost from growing the necessary crops. 
-through the use of bioethanol, some of these CO2 Green house emissions will be reduced as the fuel crops absorb the CO2 they emit through growing.

Bioethanol Fire place!

-It has a high corrosive capacity, bioethanol can be corrosive to metals such as aluminum.
-oethanol may require the use of too much arable land (to grow the required crops) and too much energy input during production to justify it.

"Can we make bioethanol from waste?" Cool video!

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