Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Sunflower!

My Sunflower Daisy
This is my sunflower whom I have named Daisy. I have come close to losing Daisy a few times now due to the cold weather and my forgetful pattern of watering her (its a girl). I keep her on my window sill in my room but I am concerned for Daisy's well being because it is beginning to get very cold outside and I am worried my window sill will be too cold for her. I may have to find her a new home.

This is a brief idea of how Daisy will grow.

This is what Daisy strives to be one day.

This is a time lapse of a dwarf sunflower growing.

Here are some gardening tips on growing sunflowers.

Here is a website that is completely dedicated to sunflowers: Sunflower NSA

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